Quando o conteúdo é demasiado forma...
... ou a forma dá mais conteúdo.
No outro dia li uma resposta engraçada de um músico (guitarrista dos Wilco) quanto ao facto de ter imensos pedais para a guitarra. Aqui está ela:
"OK, people. You all seem fixated, I dare say HYPNOTIZED, by all my damn effects boxes. So here you go: all about my NEW PEDAL BOARD, being used with Wilco and anything else I can find to drag all 75 pounds of it (including swanky road case) to! I confess that it is a bit irritating to me that people seem so fixated on HOW MANY pedals I have. This is because there seems to be something double-edged about it: a kind of fascination mixed with feelings of skepticism and/or disgust, as though it's somehow amazing that I can keep track of it all and at the same time I must be some kind of charlatan to NEED so many pedals! Well, what can I say? I didn't always use them (for quite a while I played mostly acoustic guitar), but I seem to have an aptitude for using them, and I think they're a lot of fun! Seriously, there is way too much emphasis placed on gear in general (read the rest of this column if you haven't already for further amplification of this point), and effects pedals are just another tool, another way to get color into one's life. With Wilco, I have been using more distortion devices than ever (fuzz, overdrive, distortion - sticklers!). This is because I enjoy tailoring my sound very specifically for certain songs. And as I said previously, you can't own too many fuzzboxes in my book! We are living in a time of vast choices in this area - boutique items galore. It wasn't always like this. The 80s were a dark time for a young person looking to get that nasal fuzz sound evident on songs like "Psychotic Reaction" or "Pushin' Too Hard". Everything was all creamy, soaring... Dare I say it, MIDI-controlled, pre-fab hell! At least for me... "
No outro dia li uma resposta engraçada de um músico (guitarrista dos Wilco) quanto ao facto de ter imensos pedais para a guitarra. Aqui está ela:
"OK, people. You all seem fixated, I dare say HYPNOTIZED, by all my damn effects boxes. So here you go: all about my NEW PEDAL BOARD, being used with Wilco and anything else I can find to drag all 75 pounds of it (including swanky road case) to! I confess that it is a bit irritating to me that people seem so fixated on HOW MANY pedals I have. This is because there seems to be something double-edged about it: a kind of fascination mixed with feelings of skepticism and/or disgust, as though it's somehow amazing that I can keep track of it all and at the same time I must be some kind of charlatan to NEED so many pedals! Well, what can I say? I didn't always use them (for quite a while I played mostly acoustic guitar), but I seem to have an aptitude for using them, and I think they're a lot of fun! Seriously, there is way too much emphasis placed on gear in general (read the rest of this column if you haven't already for further amplification of this point), and effects pedals are just another tool, another way to get color into one's life. With Wilco, I have been using more distortion devices than ever (fuzz, overdrive, distortion - sticklers!). This is because I enjoy tailoring my sound very specifically for certain songs. And as I said previously, you can't own too many fuzzboxes in my book! We are living in a time of vast choices in this area - boutique items galore. It wasn't always like this. The 80s were a dark time for a young person looking to get that nasal fuzz sound evident on songs like "Psychotic Reaction" or "Pushin' Too Hard". Everything was all creamy, soaring... Dare I say it, MIDI-controlled, pre-fab hell! At least for me... "
At 6:44 da tarde,
Porfirio Silva said…
Entre Agosto de 2007 e Março de 2008 vai um certo lapso de tempo. Mas mais vale tarde do que nunca.
Quanto à forma e ao conteúdo: na criação artística isso às vezes está associado a um problema de recepção: a forma que estava na cabeça do criador, quando é muito especiosa, pode nunca chegar a ser recebida por qualquer leitor, ouvinte, espectador. A mim, por exemplo, acontece-me que certos cineastas são tão elaborados que eu nem chego a perceber o material que está à vista, quanto mais o que eles queriam dizer com isso.
No outro extremo está a perseguição estalinista aos "formalistas", por se preocuparem com a forma em vez de atenderem ao gosto do povo.
Bom regresso.
At 12:17 da manhã,
MFerrer said…
Para além de tudo o resto o País está refém de uns grupelhos de camionistas e de proprietários de camions.
As principais cidades já estão em estado de sítio, os combustíveis já estão a faltar até nos Aeroportos, amanhã os produtores de leite vão ter de o deitar fora.
Os partidos da oposição estão de tocaia, à espera que o PS ceda a uma de duas hipóteses:
Ou entrega os pontos aos grevistas e rebenta o OGE, ou reprime os grevistas com a polícia e rebenta por si próprio!
Digamos que o País também está refém desta oposição com comportamento de hienas
At 1:01 da manhã,
Anónimo said…
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
At 3:42 da tarde,
Anónimo said…
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